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Ethno Fest 2018

Updated: May 22, 2020

The Second International Summit of Traditional Handicrafts and Design – “Ethno Fest 2018” is the second international gathering of crafts makers, designers, entrepreneurs, retailers and experts in the South Caucasus region.

The summit is one of the important events of stimulating the development of traditional craft in Georgia, aimed at promoting the growth of traditional craftsmanship and strengthening the role of this sector in the context of economic and social development of the country.

Ethno Fest 2018, on 28,29,30th of September in Exhibition center “ExpoGeorgia.”

A member of Business Leaders’ Federation “Women for Tomorrow” and Gallery 27 present - batik decorated panels, scarves and Kabalakhis made on silk, quilt bags, decorative pillows, leather accessories, handmade jewelry, felt scarves, textile dolls, hand-printed tablecloth, notebooks with handmade covers, hats, cloth with ethnic elements, wooden work items and many other handmade production!


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